
What Time Can’t Touch: A Love Letter for Amherstburg


Black Moss Editorial Team

This post is by the Black Moss Editorial Team. For more information about our team, go to About Us>Our Team on this site.


Amherstburg: charming, enchanting, passionate, lively, enduring, soulful. Explore this little town that even a stranger could only describe as home through this riveting collection of poetry.

About the Anthology

Amherstburg is a town absolutely brimming with life and love. It’s in every little shop on every little street. It’s in every voice that calls a friendly “Hello!” as you pass. It’s in every soul that has been touched and in the ones that have yet to be touched by the endlessly cherished town. And it’s in every reader who picks up this book, who finds something beautiful within these pages that will forever remain close to their heart.

These lines and verses encapsulate a past absolutely dying to be told. Through many poets’ eyes, this love letter was born, all finding the same feeling as they explored the heritage buildings and the history being shared. Amherstburg is made up of those who reside in the cozy town, but more than that, it is made up of all the times and people passed that got them there. Amherstburg does not forget its past, instead, it carries it into each new day. With the tip of a hat, a cup of coffee to be shared, or a pen put to paper, this legacy is preserved by each person who experiences it, and it is preserved in this book.

This collection of poetry is for a town just minutes away from Windsor, but entirely its own. It is for a town brimming with ghosts too in love to ever leave it. It is for a town of lived-in spaces and meaningful landscapes. And it is for a town that everyone will fall in love with. Experience the stories and voices that echo through the walls of each building and the love of each generation – the tales that not even time can touch.