Stories in the Key of Song: Book Launch
Black Moss Press is proud to present "Stories in the Key of Song", Claudio D'Andrea's debut work of short fiction. Please join us Thursday Sept 12th at 7PM, at the Caboto Club, to launch this amazing collection of stories.
Windsor’s Homecoming
Join us for our homecoming at the Windsor Club. Featuring SEVEN Black Moss Press authors in a night so fun we can't just call it a reading. This is going to be a Poetry Party! Mary Ann Mulhern Vanessa Shields Peter Hrastovec Laurie Smith Christopher
Black Moss Press Calendar of Events
Mark your Calendars You're Invited! 4 upcoming Poetry Readings Windsor's Homecoming Sept 14, Kickflip into the sunset Sept 30th, Poetry at the Manor Oct 18th, and Canada's Homecoming Nov 9th All FREE events
Back to Back Events!
for tickets: Join us Wednesday April 27th for a night of Fish & Fiction at the Windsor Club, and again Thrusday April 28th to celebrate Local Magic at River Bookshop in Amherstburg. Two nights of fun, four local authors, and