Black Moss Press

New for Thursday April 15 in our Poem a Day for Poetry Month

Here is the featured poem for today for National Poetry Month, once again from Antonia Facciaponte’s newest collection. We hope your enjoy it.


            for Bruce Meyer


Amidst the background guff

of gabbing mouths that meander

through post-ceremony plans, I


zip up my sleek, sable gown,

ordain myself with the fluffed fur

sash that hangs in a V


around my neck. Last, the hat—

a mortarboard cap, a conversion

of dusty construction gear


into a smoothly stitched form,

hardly humbling my head

of peach-scented hair—yet, it is


a reminder of the bridgemakers,

the unknown past that built

my own breath. Imagined mortar


grows succulent, gleaming

in dryness on my skull, crawling

down my forehead, temples, eyes


and nose and mouth, pulling

itself like putty into pores

and spellbinding blood vessels.


I am remade as sand and water.

My bones have always been clay.

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